Friday, August 9, 2013

Year 4

We made it another year!  Yesterday marked our 4th wedding anniversary.  Seriously, where has the time gone?!

I say this every year, but the past year was by far the best. During our 4th year of marriage we traveled to Indiana several times; spent some time in Cincinnati; spent a week with family at Disney World; visited with friends Tennessee; cruised Nassau, St. Thomas & St. Martin; and spent a long weekend New Jersey.  We've completed several more projects around the house including 2 more room transformations.  We lost a baby with a miscarriage and are currently anticipating the birth of our Baby Girl!  God has been good to us yet again :).  We are beyond blessed.

I think back to when Steve and I met almost 7 years ago and how never in a million years did I ever think we would date yet alone get married (and if you ask Steve, he doesn't think we met until 6 years ago - haha).  I always thought Steve was way too cool for me, and the truth is, he is way too amazing for me!  I'm sorry ladies, but I must say, I have married the most amazing man and have the best husband around.  Watching him grow from a college student to husband to spiritual leader of our family brings tears to my eyes.

And now, I get to watch him become a father.  Things are becoming more real around our home that a baby is quickly approaching.  Our living room is now littered with baby clothes, toys, and baby furniture.  We still have our freak outs over the fact that we're about to become parents -- how can that be real?!  All I know, is that with Steve by my side, we can take on anything -- bring it on Baby Bean!

I am madly in love with Steve and look forward to the experiences, changes, and adventures year 5 has in store.  Love you Steve!

(Every year, I try to make sure we take a picture on our anniversary.  I love looking back through all the pictures and seeing how they change.  Check out pictures from the beginning through year 2 & picture from year 3. I absolutely love the fact that Steve is wearing the same shirt he did in our year 2 picture -- haha!)

After spending our 3rd anniversary in Belgium, we knew we couldn't top that with year 4 so we didn't even try.  Ha ha, okay that's not why this year was low-key.  We had debated on going away for the weekend, but with Bean quickly approaching, our time is better used at home on the weekends so we can prepare for her.  We celebrated by going out to dinner.  We went all out with a 4-course meal thanks to Red Lobster's awesome deal right now.  When we got home, we pulled the trigger on our last big baby items which should arrive next week.  I know, Ackermans getting crazy!

(We couldn't leave Bean out of the anniversary celebration!  It's so bizarre to think that this was our last anniversary of just being husband and wife.  In just a couple more months, our titles will change to Mom & Dad -- yikes!)

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