Severe weather came in Monday night and has stuck around until now (but according to the news, the sun is a bad sign because there is more to come --we'll see). School was cancelled yesterday and today with the possibility of it being cancelled tomorrow. Where we live in Jackson, we haven't seen the troubles with the weather that the news keeps reporting -- power outtages, fallen trees, and flooding. Since the school buses fear they can't get kids to school safely, they don't do it at all. I can't complain!
Even though we personally haven't seen any damage, I will say that I have never heard as many tornado sirens in my entire life as I have heard this past month. Jackson's reputation with weather has been bad the past couple of years (bad flooding last May & tornado damage a few years ago), so I think people take severe weather very seriously.
Personally, I have become immune to the tornado sirens. So instead of instilling fear & warning me to take cover, I have just learned to turn the tv up louder :). (Don't worry mom, I watch the news during severe weather; although, this is mostly due to the fact it's the only channel I can get because I lose the satellite signal. Oh well, it counts, right?)