Monday, May 23, 2016

Easy Mode

Last weekend, we were able to arrange a nice little "vacation" for Bean.  I met my mom in a town along the way between our houses and passed Bean off to my mom for 5 days of kid-free bliss - ha! We didn't go anywhere while Bean was gone, we just caught up on a lot of things around the house, rested (and slept in!) a lot and just enjoyed some well needed Steve/me time to talk and prep for the new baby!  We took advantage of being able to go out to eat and not have to entertain her in the process; and watch long movies that we could start earlier because we didn't have to wait for bedtime.

Steve has taken on a big house project - remodeling a bathroom. He started about a month ago, and has been working on it any free weekend we have.  He's making good progress, it's just slow.  I'll do a full blog post on it when it's done (or at least partly done, ha).  I wouldn't admit this to him, but I'm guessing this will be a summer long project (sorry dear).

He was able to work on the bathroom around the clock on the weekend (usually he has to stop and take a break during Bean's nap time).  I was able to work on random things that needed done (and I didn't want to work on with Bean in tow).  While she was gone I was able to get the upstairs guest/storage room all organized and cleaned up.  It had become quite the catchall and a huge mess with the change over of baby items and clothes going on in the house.

I also cleaned the entire house - and it stayed that way for 4 days! It was marvelous.  We didn't have to dodge toys around the clock, no food and crumbs to sweep up daily, and let me tell you how QUIET the house was.  It was strange, but quite the blessing. I was able to go out and mow the yard at my own pace (and not have to try to cram it all into a short nap window). And yes -- at 36 weeks pregnant, I'm STILL mowing.  My choice!

I felt so productive while she was gone.  It's amazing how much physical rest I need when she's here because of all the mental energy I exert on her.  Maybe I didn't need as much rest because I could do things at my pace and not cramming it into nap time.  I even took some time to clean out the car and get it ready for 2 kids! So weird to think that we'll be a family of 4 in less than a month.  We can now count the time in WEEKS.

Bean's vacation consisted of a a weekend of cousin sleepovers, going bowling, being the constant center of attention, making new friends at my parents' church, and lots and lots of family love.  I'm thankful for the opportunity for Bean to go and spend some quality time with her cousins, aunts/uncles, and grandparents.  Now the big question is, when can she go back?!

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