Something I've come to realize with our house is that its BIG and Noisy! One little sound in a back room echoes throughout the house and sounds very loud by the time it gets to me. I know it's just a matter of me not used to it yet. Wonder when I will be used to living in such a big house without a bazillion people walking through it all day (my parents' house).
Steve and I decided to venture out into town to see if we could find or create our very own laundry pedestal (the washer/dryer that we got are front loaders and sit really close to the ground). Well, the trip was a bust, resulting in me getting stressed (traffic is ridiculous and roads are not situated well in Jackson. . . ). After a melt down about being in a new area (it was bound to happen!) I realized how blessed we really are, and all was better again. (Again, I have a very gracious husband!).
Our new washer and dryer arrived and I quickly put it to work :). They manufactured by Samsung which makes a lot of cell phones. So they signal chimes on them sing little songs and the buttons are set to look like a video game. Ha ha, they make me laugh each time I run a cycle. Which so far is tallied up to 2. Have I mentioned how much of a house wife I am and how much I enjoy it?! I've made dinner almost every night this week, clean every day, and used the washer and dryer as soon as the delivery men left. I don't do any of this because I have to, but because I get enjoyment out of it. It's the little things in life :).
Hope the enjoyment stays for a while.