Friday, July 23, 2010

Detour. . .

So. . . Steve and I secretively planned a trip to IN without anyone knowing (okay, so I'm not THAT good at keeping secrets. . . i told 3 people beforehand, but only 1 family member!). On Friday night (a week ago), Steve and I showed up at my parents' house at 11pm. Steve had gotten off work a little early and we drove straight through to Indiana. My parents were surprised to see us standing there! We pulled off our surprise :)

On Sunday, Steve headed to Cincinnati for some training (main reason for our drive home). While he was in Cincy training, I got to spend a few days with my family. We had a girls day (nieces came over!) and a couple movie nights (with my good friend April who heads off to Israel soon). On Wednesday, I drove my parents' car to Cincinnati to meet up with Steve. We made a quick trip to Ikea to pick up some more furniture (a desk chair and shelfing unit) and then met up with Steve's sister and her boyfriend for a fabulous dinner at Dewey's (famous in Cincy for its Pizza).

On Thursday, Steve and I woke up early and drove back to Jackson. We were in two separate cars [yes, I took my parents' car to Jackson. I will return it in 1.5 weeks for one of my close friend's wedding]. We got home just in time for Steve to head into work for a meeting with his boss. I went to the grocery store (first time during a weekday since I have a car!) and restocked our house. Now I'm trying to get the house back in order (had to build furniture, unpack, organize food. . . ) as well as fill out a ba-zillion applications. My Indiana license arrived while I was gone; so, I was finally able to apply for my TN license. Now that the licensing is finally all sorted out, I can turn in my applications. I am keeping busy busy busy!

1 comment:

  1. How about some new pics of the new furniture in place?
