Monday, September 9, 2013

Lima Baby Shower

My friends from Lima threw my last baby shower in the middle of August.  I know it's now well into September and I'm just now getting to blogging about it, a lot has happened in the end of August so the next several posts will be catch up of what's been going on!

My family came up for the baby shower which made me feel special!  My parents came up on Friday night while my sister and her whole crew showed up on Saturday.  While the women went to the shower, Steve, dad, and my brother-in-law put up dry wall in our garage - finally! More on that in the next post, back to the baby shower:

(My best piece of advice for making friends is to make friends with an expert baker!  I just have to brag about the delicious treats for the shower made especially for me by Sara's Sweets! She made delicious chocolate raspberry cupcakes, cookie dough truffles, amazing caramel brownies, and super cute iced cookies with birds on them.  I can't brag on this girl's talents enough! The others who helped out with the shower supplied deviled eggs, veggies, fruit skewers, and cheese ball w/crackers -  everything was yum! )

(My neighbor whom I go to lunch with often was able to make it to the shower!  She just loves my nieces and they always enjoy listening to her stories.)

(A great friend who helped with all the decorations, invitations, and food for the shower.  Thanks Candace for your help with the lovely shower!  I'm blown away at all that was done! Behind her was a station set up for people to make Bean hair clips and head bands.  I came away from the shower with several new fashion accessories.  Can't wait to dress Bean up with them! )

(Action shot with the baker and hostess - Sara! I am still blown away at all who showed up -- friends, ladies from our class at church, and from choir.  There were just a few things left that we needed for baby and these women provided amazingly for those needs!  I can't thank them all enough for their blessings on Baby Girl!)

(Cousin love!  These little girls love feeling BabyCakes move around!  Pretty soon they'll be able to hold & play with her, and they can't wait!)

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