Thursday, March 1, 2012

2 Weeks

2 weeks from today, Steve and I will be spending 2 weeks in Europe!  We've been talking about a big Europe trip when we first got married.  For awhile, it seemed to be one of those conversations that would never take place.

Initially we were thinking about doing it a year ago.  Steve decided that the best time to go (off season) would be in either March or November.  Last March, instead of going on a trip, we were searching for a house in the Jackson area.  Then when P&G announced the sale of Pringles, we decided we wouldn't be able to go in November due to the iffiness of our moving situation.  Once we moved this past December, we decided that this March would be perfect timing.

You might think it's crazy that Steve just started a new job and is already taking 2 weeks off.  It ends up working really nicely.  He now works for Tide, and as many know, Tide just released a new product -- Tide Pods.  His past couple months have been spent learning about the Pods, how they're created, and the process of creation to store.  Because the Pods were just released, there will be a little downtime at the plant as they see the Pods effect on Tide.  Steve will be returning back to work right as they begin expanding Pods development -- perfect timing!

Back to the trip.  The first part of our trip will lead us to Rome, Italy.  We will be there for 5 days, then headed via plane to Barcelona, Spain.  We'll be in Barcelona for 3 days and end our trip via train to Madrid, Spain for another 3 days.  We choose these locations just because it's where we wanted to go!  I have always had a desire to see Rome.  Being a history buff, I'm very excited to see the ancient structures like the Colosseum and Forum.  Steve has always had a desire to go to Spain.  I guess you could say this is kind of a "his & hers" trip since we're both getting to see our desired locations.

Steve is the mastermind behind 92% of the planning.  Researching and planning for trips is just not my thing, but luckily it is right up Steve's alley.  He has piles of travel books on our coffee table as well as very extensive spread sheets mapping out all the details.  I've thrown in some help here and there by expressing what I want to see and what's important to me.  I will be the mastermind behind the packing, transitions from each lodging, and most of the food.  We are staying in apartments while we're in Europe.  That way, we'll be able to buy some groceries and potentially save money buy packing meals.

While we're gone, I'll try to write some quick posts, but no promises!  I know I will not be able to post pictures, but we should be able to get on the internet.  And of course, when we get back, there will be lots of pictures and stories to fill the blog for awhile!

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